PDF⋙ Brilliancy: The Essence of Intelligence (Diamond Body Series) by A. H. Almaas

Brilliancy: The Essence of Intelligence (Diamond Body Series) by A. H. Almaas

Brilliancy: The Essence of Intelligence (Diamond Body Series)

Brilliancy: The Essence of Intelligence (Diamond Body Series) by A. H. Almaas PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Intelligence is one of the defining characteristics of human beings: an inherent ability to respond to the world with awareness, knowledge, learning, and insight. Most considerations of human intelligence are based on the notion that intelligence is a product of brain functioning. A. H. Almaas introduces here a radically different viewpoint, one that recognizes an actual quality of consciousness as the source of intelligence. He calls this source the Brilliancy of our true nature.

The presentation of his understanding of intelligence is followed by in-depth dialogues with his students on the various barriers to recognizing and embodying this essential quality. In particular, an unresolved relationship with one's father is found to shape the experience of Brilliancy. Using a Socratic method that draws upon techniques of body-centered, Gestalt, psychodynamic, and cognitive psychologies, Almaas helps participants work through their defenses and conflicts surrounding this issue and then, diverging from pychotherapeutic practice, guides them in discovering their own Brilliancy.

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