PDF⋙ Hockney's People by Marco Livingstone, Kay Heymer

Hockney's People by Marco Livingstone, Kay Heymer

Hockney's People

Hockney's People by Marco Livingstone, Kay Heymer PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The first book to present the portrait work of one of the most celebrated and beloved artists working today. HOCKNEY'S PEOPLE showcases the large and central body of work based on the artist's personal relationships, explored in revealing and at times playful artworks.For the past fifty years, Hockney's most persistent subject matter in paintings, drawings, collages, and photoworks, has been portraiture of people, usually those very close to him, as well as self- portraits. These are works that reflect the intimate and often intense stories of this artist's life. They also explore different formal methods of representing the passage of time and the unavoidable but marvelous stillness of portraiture. The book includes fascinating sequences as Hockney paints certain subjects on and off for decades; the special qualities attached to depictions of lovers; and the range of celebrities, writers, and artists-Billy Wilder, Armistead Maupin, W. H. Auden, Henry Moore, Christopher Isherwood-who have been part of a very full life. Several new watercolors, never before published, are included.

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