PDF⋙ Flyfisher's Guide to Idaho (2nd Edition) (Flyfisher's Guides) by Ken Retallic, Rocky Barker

Flyfisher's Guide to Idaho (2nd Edition) (Flyfisher's Guides) by Ken Retallic, Rocky Barker

Flyfisher's Guide to Idaho (2nd Edition) (Flyfisher's Guides)

Flyfisher's Guide to Idaho (2nd Edition) (Flyfisher's Guides) by Ken Retallic, Rocky Barker PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Authors Ken Retallic and Rocky Barker, native Idahoans cover all of the great fishing waters in Idaho. They give detailed descriptions of each water, including fishing tactics, hatch charts, recommended flies, stream facts, seasons, and equipment. There are 53 detailed river maps showing river miles, access points, campgrounds, boat ramps, roads, and public and private land. They also cover fishing the Indian reservations and winter fishing. Over 100 great waters are covered, including the Boise River, Snake, Big and Little Wood, Silver Creek, Clearwater, Salmon, Lochsa, Fall, Bechler, Henry's Fork, Island Park Reservoir, St. Joe, and many others. There is detailed travel information listing fly shops, sporting good stores, guides, outfitters, lodges, motels, campgrounds, car rentals, river shuttles, airports and more. This is the one book you need to plan a successful fishing trip in Idaho.

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