PDF⋙ Geological Field Techniques
Geological Field Techniques
Geological Field Techniques PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
The understanding of Earth processes and environments over geological time is highly dependent upon both the experience that can only be gained through doing fieldwork, and the collection of reliable data and appropriate samples in the field. This textbook explains the main data gathering techniques used by geologists in the field and the reasons for these, with emphasis throughout on how to make effective field observations and record these in suitable formats. Equal weight is given to assembling field observations from igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rock types. There are also substantial chapters on producing a field notebook, collecting structural information, recording fossil data and constructing geological maps. The volume is in a robust and handy size, with colour coded chapters for ease of use and quick reference in the field.Geological Field Techniques is designed for students, amateur enthusiasts and professionals who have a background in geology and wish to collect field data on rocks and geological features. Teaching aspects of this textbook include:
- step-by-step guides to essential practical skills such as using a compass-clinometer, making a geological map and drawing a field sketch;
- tricks of the trade, checklists, flow charts and short worked examples;
- over 200 illustrations of a wide range of field notes, maps and geological features;
- appendices with the commonly used rock description and classification diagrams;
- a supporting website hosted by Wiley Blackwell.
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