PDF⋙ Graduate Programs in Mathematical Sciences by Peterson's

Graduate Programs in Mathematical Sciences by Peterson's

Graduate Programs in Mathematical Sciences

Graduate Programs in Mathematical Sciences by Peterson's PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Graduate Programs in Mathematical Sciences contains an up-to-date directory of colleges and universities that offer graduate work in applied mathematics, applied statistics, biomathematics, biometry, biostatistics, computational sciences, mathematical and computational finance, mathematics, and statistics. The institutions listed include those in the United States, U.S. territories, and Canada, as well as those institutions outside the United States that are accredited by U.S. accrediting bodies. Profile information was collected through Peterson’s Annual Survey of Graduate and Professional Institutions. These Mathematical Sciences Program profiles offer the following information: degree offerings, professional accreditation, jointly offered degrees, part-time and evening/weekend programs, postbaccalaureate distance degrees, faculty, students, degree requirements, entrance requirements, expenses, financial support, faculty research, and unit head and application contact information. As an added bonus, readers will find a helpful “See Close-Up” link to in-depth program descriptions written by some of these institutions. These Close-Ups offer detailed information about the mathematical sciences program, the faculty members and their research, and links to the program Web site.
In addition, there are valuable articles on financial assistance and support at the graduate level and the graduate admissions process, with special advice for international and minority students. Another article discusses important facts about accreditation and provides a current list of accrediting agencies.

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