PDF⋙ Studio Companion Series Drafting Basics by Donna Fullmer
Studio Companion Series Drafting Basics by Donna Fullmer
Studio Companion Series Drafting Basics by Donna Fullmer PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
The Studio Companion Series consists of four books, available separately or as a set, which provide a launch pad into the study of design and architecture. Clear instructions and a wealth of examples give students a comprehensive look at the entire design process, from concept to presentation. Developed for today's student, the books present material in a contemporary and graphic manner and are compact and highly portable. The series includes: Design Basics, Drafting Basics, 3D Design Basics, and Presentation Basics.
Drafting Basics offers an introduction to the art of hand drafting using lead and ink. Students will first learn how to communicate through fundamental two-dimensional drawings including lettering, plans, elevations, and sections. The book then covers the basics of technical drafting, reinforcing the importance of the hand skills required of interior design professionals at every point along the career path.
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