PDF⋙ Theo Jansen: The Great Pretender
Theo Jansen: The Great Pretender
Theo Jansen: The Great Pretender PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
In The Great Pretender, kinetic artist Theo Jansen shows that the concept of 'I' is merely a tool in our evolution. We need this tool to be selfish. There can be no selfishness without the I-fantasy. Since 1990, Theo Jansen has been engaged in creating new forms of life: beach animals made from yellow plastic tubing. Skeletons made from these tubes are able to walk, deriving their nutrition from the wind. They evolved over many generations, becoming increasingly adept at surviving storms and water from the sea. Theo Jansen's ultimate wish is to release herds of these animals on the shore. In reenacting Genesis, so to speak, he hopes to become wiser in his dealings with the existing nature by encountering problems the 'creator' had to face. The Great Pretender is a account of Jansen's experiences as God.From reader reviews:
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