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Everyday Meat and Poultry (Mini Cookbooks) by N/A

Everyday Meat and Poultry (Mini Cookbooks)

Everyday Meat and Poultry (Mini Cookbooks) by N/A PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This compilation of 35 meat and poultry recipes offers endless ideas for dishes to go with rice, noodles or bread. For those who enjoy adding a touch of spice to their meals, there's Spicy Meatballs and Pickled Pepper and Lemon-glazed Ribs. For those who prefer something lighter, there's Chicken Omelette and Creamy Mushroom Chicken. From quick stir-fries and crispy fried dishes, to hearty simmered, steamed or baked dishes, you'll find a dish to suit the occasion whatever your taste or preference.

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