PDF⋙ Jacob Dragoo and our Susanna Bright Side by Vi Parsons
Jacob Dragoo and our Susanna Bright Side by Vi Parsons
Jacob Dragoo and our Susanna Bright Side by Vi Parsons PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Jacob Dragoo, the son of the legendary William “Indian Billy” Dragoo and Rebecca Matheny, was born in 1815. Jacob began his life in his grandfather John Dragoo’s cabin near Barrackville, in Monongalia County, Virginia. He lived his childhood and teen years in Licking County, Ohio. As a young family man he pioneered in Livingston County, Illinois. In his final years, he relocated his family to Montgomery County, Iowa to experience the advancement of the railroad and expansion of the western frontier. Enjoy a glimpse of Jacob’s ancestors from France and their exodus with the Huguenots to England. Imagine their joyous arrival in Staten Island in the new land called America. Travel with Jacob and Susanna Dragoo, their children and a century of their descendants in America through facts, photos, documents and stories.From reader reviews:
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