PDF⋙ Health in America: A Multicultural Perspective by Raymond M. Nakamura, Nakamura

Health in America: A Multicultural Perspective by Raymond M. Nakamura, Nakamura

Health in America: A Multicultural Perspective

Health in America: A Multicultural Perspective by Raymond M. Nakamura, Nakamura PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Nakamura believes that health care in America does not always respond to the needs of ethnic minority Americans. In Health in America: A Multicultural Perspective, Nakamura discusses the health issues and problems faced by African Americans, Native Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Asian and Pacific Islander Americans. This book brings into focus: 1) the disproportionate number of health problems faced by ethnic minority Americans that often go unnoticed; 2) what is known and what is not known about the health problems ethnic minority Americans face; and 3) the need for a re-evaluation and reorganization of the health care system to better serve the needs of all Americans. The author addresses the plight of the minorities who experience a disproportionate burden of poverty, sickness, and death. These health discrepancies are not only due to unhealthy behaviors but are also a result of complex social, economic, and political factors.

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