PDF⋙ Modern Nutrition for Recreational Tennis Players: Using Your Resting Metabolic Rate to Improve Performance, Reduce Soreness after Training, and Have Increased Energy by Joseph Correa (Certified Sports Nutritionist)

Modern Nutrition for Recreational Tennis Players: Using Your Resting Metabolic Rate to Improve Performance, Reduce Soreness after Training, and Have Increased Energy by Joseph Correa (Certified Sports Nutritionist)

Modern Nutrition for Recreational Tennis Players: Using Your Resting Metabolic Rate to Improve Performance, Reduce Soreness after Training, and Have Increased Energy

Modern Nutrition for Recreational Tennis Players: Using Your Resting Metabolic Rate to Improve Performance, Reduce Soreness after Training, and Have Increased Energy by Joseph Correa (Certified Sports Nutritionist) PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Modern Nutrition for Recreational Tennis Players will show you how to add lean muscle mass in order to increase your RMR and accelerate your metabolism. If you want to make a serious change on your body and how it performs on a daily basis, you need to read this book and start applying it in your daily life. What is RMR? RMR is your resting metabolic rate. Your Resting Metabolic Rate measures the amount of energy used by your body in a resting or relaxed state. How does RMR work? RMR is the greatest component of energy expenditure in your body and so it tells us just how much energy and fat your body burns on a daily basis. By adding lean muscle mass you automatically increase your RMR which can lead to improved performance with long lasting results. What benefits can I have from accelerating my resting metabolic rate? Accelerating your RMR will lead to having more energy, adding more muscle, dropping unwanted fat, reduce injuries, improve your focus and concentration, etc. Does this book have a calendar I can follow? Yes, an easy to follow calendar is provided. Will this book provide me with recipes I can use and prepare on my own? Yes, simply and easy to prepare recipes are explained in detail so that you can get started right away. Eating complex carbohydrates, protein, and natural fats in the right amount and percentages as well as increasing your RMR will have many positive effects such as making you faster, stronger, recover quicker, develop muscle at an accelerated rate, and become more resistant.

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Modern Nutrition for Recreational Tennis Players: Using Your Resting Metabolic Rate to Improve Performance, Reduce Soreness after Training, and Have Increased Energy by Joseph Correa (Certified Sports Nutritionist) EPub


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