PDF⋙ Political Violence and Kurds in Turkey: Fragmentations, Mobilizations, Participations & Repertoires (Routledge Studies in Middle Eastern Politics) by Mehmet Orhan
Political Violence and Kurds in Turkey: Fragmentations, Mobilizations, Participations & Repertoires (Routledge Studies in Middle Eastern Politics) by Mehmet Orhan
Political Violence and Kurds in Turkey: Fragmentations, Mobilizations, Participations & Repertoires (Routledge Studies in Middle Eastern Politics) by Mehmet Orhan PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
The Kurdish conflict is an acknowledged long-standing issue in the Middle East, and the emergence of radical Kurdish nationalist movements in the 20th century played a decisive role in the evolution of political violence.
Political Violence and Kurds in Turkey examines how this political violence impacts Kurds in contemporary Turkey, and explores the circumstances that move human beings to violent acts. It looks at the forms political violence takes and in which times and spaces it occurs, as well as the roles played by micro and macro factors. It takes a theoretical approach to violence, as both producer and product of interrelations between many actors, and contextualises this with studies of violence in Kurdish villages and towns. The book evaluates the three levels at which political violence operates; between the state and Kurdish movements, among Kurdish groups and between Kurdish political organizations and Kurdish society, and divides it into its different aspects and processes; fragmentation-segmentation (signifying intra-ethnic struggles between Kurdish actors), mobilization (the course leading the Kurdish movement to armed conflict), participation (the use of violence by individuals) and repertoires (the forms taken by political violence).
Offering an in-depth analysis of the dynamics behind political violence and its use amongst Kurds in Turkey, this book will be a key resource for students and scholars of Middle Eastern, Kurdish Studies and Conflict Studies, and offers new understanding and approaches to the study of political violence.
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