PDF⋙ Plaidypus Lost by Susan Stevens Crummel, Janet Stevens

Plaidypus Lost by Susan Stevens Crummel, Janet Stevens

Plaidypus Lost

Plaidypus Lost by Susan Stevens Crummel, Janet Stevens PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Snippity snip. Stitchity stitch. Buttons for eyes. Surprise! Grandpa's old plaid shirt is now my new Plaidypus! Tag along with a lively young girl and her constant companion as they find adventures wherever they go--the park, the lake, or the supermarket candy aisle! And don't forget to keep an eye on Plaidypus, as there's always a chance he'll find himself astray--stuck in the sand, high on a shelf...But no need to worry: Plaidypus lost, Plaidypus found. This story goes around and around!! Janet Stevens and her sister; Susan Stevens Crummel, bring to life a heart-warming tale of a girl with a boundless imagination and a very special friend.

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