PDF⋙ Buddhist Meditation and the Internet: Practices and Possibilities by Joanne Miller

Buddhist Meditation and the Internet: Practices and Possibilities by Joanne Miller

Buddhist Meditation and the Internet: Practices and Possibilities

Buddhist Meditation and the Internet: Practices and Possibilities by Joanne Miller PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

We now know that people are trying to reproduce online much of what they do offline. So why is it that meditation is only a very small part of Buddhist Internet activity? How can this be so when the Internet is profoundly intertwined with our everyday lives and offers us so many religious possibilities? Buddhist Meditation and the Internet: Practices and Possibilities looks at what happens to meditation when it goes online by examining virtual meditators, worlds, iPads, real-time synchronous 'sits', and cross-hemisphere retreats. It paints an intriguing picture about the extent to which we can meditate without a body - or through a virtual one.

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