PDF⋙ The Day the Frogs Went Hopping Mad by Heath A. Roberts
The Day the Frogs Went Hopping Mad by Heath A. Roberts
The Day the Frogs Went Hopping Mad by Heath A. Roberts PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Have you ever been in a situation where you had to choose between your own interests and the best interests of others? If so, then you will well relate to The Day the Frogs Went Hopping Mad written by Heath A. Roberts. As the tale unfolds, these questions are experienced firsthand through the narration of an old man reflecting on a time when as a young boy he went on a frog hunt in the woods. Driven by visions of grandeur and fame, he went to his own little 'frog pot of gold' in pursuit of the 'Big Daddythe frog to win all frog contests. Little did he know the adventure that would unfold or the lesson that he would walk away holding.From reader reviews:
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