PDF⋙ International Construction Contracts: A Handbook by William Godwin

International Construction Contracts: A Handbook by William Godwin

International Construction Contracts: A Handbook

International Construction Contracts: A Handbook by William Godwin PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Many large construction projects, such as those in the Middle East or Asia Pacific, are international in scope with a range of contractors and subcontractors signing contracts for delivery of specified work or services. The contractual situation in these instances may be complex and potentially includes a range of standard and bespoke contractual arrangements. In addition, the parties to these contracts may be based in different parts of the world, and are often working to different legal systems and understandings. This can lead to confusion in the understanding, interpretation and execution of a given contract.

International Construction Contracts provides concise and practical guidance to those involved in the negotiation and management of international construction and engineering contracts. It sets out in clear, straightforward language the main features of construction contracts and international dispute resolution procedures. It ensures the reader is aware of the issues that might arise on the contractual side of their project so that they may better protect their party's interests. Many of the features and points discussed are illustrated by reference to the popular FIDIC contracts and the book includes a commentary on the two most widely used FIDIC design-build forms, the Yellow and Silver Books. Also included in the book is a fully worked example of a typical ICC arbitration from start to finish, with "pleadings", a detailed case narrative and commentary on events, and an example arbitration award. The ICC and SIAC arbitration rules are also provided.

Written for construction professionals, the book will be of great interest to engineers, architects, project managers, quantity surveyors, contract managers and contract administrators working on international projects.

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