PDF⋙ Rooftop Gardens: The Terraces, Conservatories, and Balconies of New York by Denise LeFrak Calicchio, Roberta Amon

Rooftop Gardens: The Terraces, Conservatories, and Balconies of New York by Denise LeFrak Calicchio, Roberta Amon

Rooftop Gardens: The Terraces, Conservatories, and Balconies of New York

Rooftop Gardens: The Terraces, Conservatories, and Balconies of New York by Denise LeFrak Calicchio, Roberta Amon PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Idyllic urban oases offer inspiration to anyone yearning to add nature and serenity to an outdoor living space. Rooftop Gardens showcases some of the most unique and extraordinary outdoor spaces in New York City that urban dwellers have created as retreats from the daily chaos of life. A sumptuous array of gardens ranging in style from working to exotic fills the pages, a diverse selection befitting different scales and changing seasons. From the lush produce garden of Eli’s Vinegar Factory to a glass-enclosed conservatory perched atop Park Avenue in which amaryllis, paperwhite narcissus, and cyclamen grow during the winter months, this stunning portfolio illustrates innovative and original ways to design one’s own outdoor sanctuary—be it sky-high or ground level—and is a must-have for homeowners, decorators, and landscape architects alike.

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Rooftop Gardens: The Terraces, Conservatories, and Balconies of New York by Denise LeFrak Calicchio, Roberta Amon EPub


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